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  • Architect for the pavilion was Horace Baily, who donated his services to the committee
  • In 1933 the Beaux-Art held a competition for Paris prize in architecture and practically all the designs submitted in the competition were similar in nature to the newly erected Johnstown pavilion.
  • The Pavilion towers 55 feet into the air.  Its grooves, coping stone and all trimmings are bush-hammered while the walls proper are rock face.
  • The inside radius of the platform is 30 feet, making the stage diameter 60 feet.  There is a 24 foot apron which makes the actual stage width 54 feet and the actual stage length 76 feet.  The overall length is 110 feet.
  • The main entrance is 20 feet high.  It leads to the stage as well as to the several large rooms which may be used as practice, storage or dressing quarters.  Several lavatories are on either side of the reception hall.
  • To finish off the pavilion an indirect lighting system was installed along with a two-way amplification system which brought the the total cost of the pavilion to $80,000.
  • When built the lighting system employed 96 lights on the top of the pavilion with a total candlepower of 14,000.  Strip lights are located on the side and for foot lights.
    2,203 tons of stone, 969 barrels of cement, 576 tons of sand, 192 tons of slag.
  • Total labor expended in building the pavilion was 697 man-months.
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